FRIDAY FAVES: 5/10/2019

Hey, everyone! Another crazy week at OSG! I am so looking forward to this weekend (even though I will be working through the entire thing) because it’s technically my first Mother’s Day! Probably a hundred times a day I text or nudge Walter and say “we are having a baby.” I still can’t get over it. It is the best and most exciting part of my entire life.

I know that Caroline will be celebrating with her adorable daughters as well! Every woman out there, whether you are a caregiver, a mom, mom-to-be, or just thinking about the day when…Happy Mother’s Day. And if you didn’t see my IG story the other day, go to National Bail Out and make a donation to their Free Black Mamas campaign if you have any extra dough that you can part with. It could change the course of another woman or caregiver’s life. We are so powerful when we all work together.

Without further interruption, here are this week’s Faves! As always, click on the image to be taken to its source. Love you all!


I had Kaylah of The Dainty Squid make me a boxy Dopp kit type bag with this neon hot dog fabric, which literally was made for me. It had to have been. It makes me SO happy.

Freedom Moses makes these Birkenstock style slip on sandals in an actual RAINBOW of colors. There are so many different beautiful colors that I am having trouble picking a pair for summer!

This shag rainbow cushion is part of Kip & Co’s childrens’ line, but screw that. I want it for myself!

Told you guys that I am obsessed with hot dog stuff! Boy or girl, Percy NEEDS this jumpsuit!!!

Gerbil Meets Mouse Publishing is a person (people?) who pose their pet mice and gerbils in hilarious ways, have elaborate photoshoots, and then make their content into a 12 month calendar. They also have the most fun Instagram presence and I can’t help it if this is silly, it brings me so much joy.


I purchased this lotion from Trader Joe’s this evening and it is so amazing and creamy. I love my Lano hand lotion that Ally got me hooked on. This one is a very similar consistency and soaks in without a sticky residue, just like Lano.

I stopped by The Makist booth at the Cleveland Flea this past weekend and instantly fell in love with EVERYTHING. I ended up purchasing 6 buttons and a necklace but I think this felt banner needs a place in my home. I say “okie dokie” about 100 times a day.

I am working on a new branding and logo project for a new client who also has a vintage store on EBay and I don’t know how I’m going to make any money from this project because I will probably spend any profits purchasing vintage children’s clothing from her! Look how adorable this little overall dress would be on Violet!

Because I’m absolutely insane and love loading my plate too full with projects…I’ve decided to teach myself After Effects to get into motion graphics and animation and I’m having SO MUCH FUN. I love learning so much, I never tire of learning a new skill.

Would I buy this? No. Did I laugh harder than I’d like to admit when I saw it? Yup.

Thats all for this week! Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend!

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